List of CSBE print publications
لائحة بمنشورات مركز دراسات البيئة المبنيه المطبوعة
Exploring the Built Environment: Essays on the Presentations of Diwan Al-Mimar and Affiliated Public Lectures
Edited by Mohammad al-Asad and Majd Musa
Published by the Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE) and Darat al Funun – The Khalid Shoman Foundation 2007
Amman, Jordan
The essays published in this book are available individually in the Publications and Resources section of the CSBE website
Greywater Use in the Middle East: Technical, Social, Economic and Policy Uses
Edited by Stephen McIlwaine and Mark Redwood
Published by the Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE), Practical Action Publishing Ltd, and the International Development Research Centre 2007
Amman, Jordan
Landscape Water Use Efficiency Guide
دليل كفاءة استخدام المياه في الحدائق
By Lara Zureikat and Dalia Husseini
Edited by Cory Eldridge
Published by the Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE)
2011 Amman, Jordan
Published in both English and Arabic - منشور باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية
Public Transportation in Jordan – A Policy Study Report and General Review of the Draft Law for the Regulation of the Transportation of passengers of 2016
النقل العام في الاردن - دراسة عن سياسات النقل العام و مراجعة عامة لمسودة قانون تنظيم نقل الركاب لسنة 2016
By Sahar al-Aloul, Mohammad al-Asad (primary author), Ali Attari, Samia Kayyali, Tooma Zaghloul, Hazem Zureiqat, and Lara Zureikat Published by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES)
Amman, Jordan
Published in both English and Arabic - منشور باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية
Sahel Al Hiyari Projects
By Mohammad al-Asad and Sahel Al Hiyari, with an introduction by Alvaro Siza
Published by the Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE)
Amman, Jordan
Urban Agriculture in Amman, A Holistic View
الزراعة الحضرية في عمان ، نظرة شمولية
By Mohammad al-Asad and Lara Zureikat, with research support provided by Touma Hamarneh and Reef Qubailat Published by the Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE) and Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES)
2018 Amman, Jordan
Published in both English and Arabic - منشور باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية
حدائق الندرة المائية: دليل المستخدم
تأليف محمد الأسد، وداليا الحسيني، ولارا زريقات، وهانية مرقة، ومجد موسى
نشر مركز دراسات البيئة المبنية
عمان، الأردن